Backyard Pyro Pro Fuse Kit (contains 10 rolls of fuse)

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Selecting the right ignition fuse can be confusing. What speed do I need? How much of each type?

At Skylighter we like to keep it simple! So, removed all of the guesswork and created a package with the right fuse, in the right proportions.

The Visco Fuse "Mega" Assortment comes with 9 rolls of high-quality, 3mm/2mm. fuse, in 5 different speeds. You can be the one to own every fuse that Skylighter owns. This is for the person who wants to mess around with lots of fuse or the person that just needs a TON of fuse to feed their addiction!

Each Fuse Assortment Contains:

  • 3 Rolls Green Cannon Fuse (GN1019) 20 ft.                                                                      Speed: 30 seconds/ ft 

  • 4 Rolls "Pink" Medium Fuse (GN1013)- 30 ft.                                                                  Speed:  9.5-10 sec/ ft - 

  • 2 Rolls Quick White Fuse (GN1207)- 30ft.                                                                         Speed: .01-.02 sec./ ft - Precut in 3ft sections 

  • 1 Roll Crackling fuse (GN1047) 3mm 20ft

                    Speed: 30-35 sec/ ft

    To buy all of this fuse a la carte would cost you $240. But by bundling them together you'll have everything you'll for an epic show and save!!!

    Each roll of fuse is color coded to prevent confusion and accidents.

    Green = Slow

    Pink = Medium

    White - VERY Fast 

    Effect Fuse - Slow 

    Part #KT0082