Turbo Pyro Supplies Kit

If you’re just starting out in fireworks making, the Turbo Pyro Supplies Kit is a fantastic value. Hopefully, this page should answer most or all of your questions.

Make 92 fireworks in one weekend!

Ned Gorski and I designed these ten fireworks projects to use basic, widely available materials. And we wanted you to be able to use the same compositions in as many projects as possible.

We wanted you to have a kit with enough ingredients to make 10 of the most popular kinds of fireworks projects—92 total fireworks devices!

And we wanted you to be able to learn all of the most popular fireworks types. The simpler we could make the ingredients, the more likely you would be able to afford Turbo Pyro and try it out.

Six months of testing and development later, we did it.  And in so doing achieved an absolute breakthrough in lowering the cost of the whole kit.

Without Turbo Pyro you’ll spend $670
...or more for startup pyro supplies

Of course you can go out and buy everything in the kit on your own. But if you shop for everything supplied in the Turbo Pyro Kit yourself, including 5 different tools that the Combo Tool set replaces, you’ll find it would cost you $670 or more.

Aside from the cost, you’ll also find that you’ll end up buying more stuff than you actually need to make the Turbo Pyro projects. A lot more stuff.

But if you use Turbo Pyro to learn how to make fireworks you’ll cut your costs by more than 70%!


First, the Turbo Pyro Kit contains only the exact quantities you need to build the specific projects in the book. Nothing more. You don’t spend money on a lotta extra stuff that you don’t need.

Second, we got the most expensive and important part of the kit, the Combo Tool set, made at rock bottom prices right here in the USA. This replaces 5 expensive, individual pyro tools for making black powder rockets, stinger missile rockets, fountains, pumped stars, hummers, whirlwinds, helicopters, and wheel drivers.

Turbo Pyro Kit and Shopping List

We've included a file below that details exactly what is included in the Turbo Pyro Kit as well as gives you a shopping list for the household items you'll need to pick up (click on the PDF icon to download). You may need to right-click the following links and select Save Link As to download the file to your computer

Stay tuned for more information about Turbo Pyro tomorrow - keep an eye on that inbox!

Yours in flames,
Mike Gerson

P.S. Tomorrow I'll show you videos of all 10 fireworks projects that you can make with Turbo Pyro. These are pretty awesome!

Previous article The Black Friday Turbo Pyro Sale Is Over
Next article Legal Fireworks


Skylighter - November 23, 2018

@Ryan: Thanks for the kind words. There is no question Turbo Pyro created thousands of fireworks makers. I think a lot of “guys” when left to there own to learn start guessing and end up frustrated, or worse. That’s what this kit was created to solve.

Not only will you learn to make fireworks, but you’ll also learn the thought process making you more successful in all of your future fireworks making projects.

Skylighter - November 23, 2018

@Leigh: This kit is very similar to the original TP kit, just upgraded with an all-metal funnel, improved tooling and out new resealable chemical pouches.

Leigh - November 23, 2018

Is this kit different than the first one? I got the original turbo pyro kit.

GEORGE EVANS - November 23, 2018


Ryan Pels - November 23, 2018

It was this book and kit that got me re-started into pyro. Since then I have got my pyro shooters certificate. Don’t build too much anymore. Ned Gorski became my pyro hero after watching his videos. A must have for beginners.

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